25–29 Mar 2024
Hongo campus, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Quantum State Preparation for Probability Distributions with Mirror Symmetry Using Matrix Product States

27 Mar 2024, 18:00
1h 30m
Koshiba Hall (Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo)

Koshiba Hall

Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Board: P-15
Poster presentation Poster


Yuichi Sano (Kyoto University)


Quantum circuits for loading probability distributions into quantum states are essential subroutines in quantum algorithms used in physics, finance engineering, and machine learning. The ability to implement these with high accuracy in shallow quantum circuits is a critical issue. We propose a novel quantum state preparation method for probability distribution with mirror symmetry using matrix product states. By considering mirror symmetry, our method reduces the entanglement of probability distributions and improves the accuracy of approximations by matrix product states. As a result, we improved the accuracy by two orders of magnitude over existing methods using matrix product states. Our approach, characterized by a shallow quantum circuit primarily comprising nearest-neighbor qubit gates and linear scalability with qubit count, is highly advantageous for noisy quantum devices. Also, our experimental findings reveal that the approximation accuracy in tensor networks depends heavily on the bond dimension, with minimal reliance on the number of qubits. We experimentally demonstrated our method for a normal distribution encoded into 10 and 20 qubits on a real quantum processor.

Primary author

Yuichi Sano (Kyoto University)


Dr Ikko Hamamura (IBM Quantum)

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