Opening day
Submission deadline
- In your abstract submission, please mark the presenter as the speaker.
- Please upload your poster file in PDF format. Also, please keep the pdf file smaller than 50MB. If you have any questions, please check the mannual.
- Please select tracks to specify your research subfield.
- You can use latex syntax in the title and the abstract section. For example, you can type $U(1)$ for math font and Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ for chemical formula.
- 投稿時請記得點選海報講者(小麥克風圖示。)
- 請上傳海報的pdf檔案(小於50MB)。如果對於投稿摘要有任何問題,可以參考使用手冊。
- 請選擇你的研究子領域
- 你可以使用Latex表示化學式或數學式,如:$U(1)$ for math font and Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ for chemical formula.