4–6 Jun 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Dirac neutrino masses and meson decay anomalies with leptoquarks

5 Jun 2024, 14:30
Science Building III/SC353 (NYCU)

Science Building III/SC353


300, Hsinchu City, East District, No. 26, Prosperity 1st Rd


Dr Leon M Garcia de la Vega (NCTS)


In this talk we will discuss the phenomenology of neutrino mass models where leptoquarks mediate the generation of Dirac mass terms. The presence of leptoquarks that couple to all generations of quarks and leptons can have interesting consequences for meson decays. In particular the RD,RD*anomalies can be addressed, as well as the recent observation by Belle-II of an excess in the B-> K + inv decay rate.

Please choose your flavour Leptons

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