4–6 Jun 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

The Future is Flavourful

This is the fourth instalment of the Workshop series "The Future is ...". In this edition we want to focus on flavour physics from the Standard Model flavours of neutrinos and quarks to potential new dark and exotic flavours beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

Our aim is to promote young scientists and bridge gaps between various subfields. This year in particular we will invite colleagues working on experimental aspects of flavour physics to gain a deeper understanding of what is currently being probed and what can be probed in the future. 

Our workshop will broadly cover the following topics:
1. Lepton flavours
2. Quark flavours
3. Dark flavours
4. Exotic flavours

To participate and give a talk note for full consideration of your talk abstract, please register before May 21, 1pm Taiwan time and submit your abstract.

Keynote Speakers

Takehiko Asaka (Niigata U)
Wen-Chen Chang (AS)
Suchita Kulkarni (Graz U)
Hsiang-Nan Li (AS)
Stathes Paganis (NTU)
Henry Tsz-King Wong (AS)

Organizing Committee

Jan Tristram Acuña (NTHU)
We-Fu Chang (NTHU)
Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Anthony Francis (NYCU)
C. S. Jason Leung (NTHU)
David Lin (NYCU)
Guey-Lin Lin (NYCU)
Priyanka Sarmah (NTHU)
Martin Spinrath (NTHU/NCTS)
Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)


National Center for Theoretical Sciences


Science Building III/SC353
300, Hsinchu City, East District, No. 26, Prosperity 1st Rd