4–6 Jun 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Leptoquark induced neutrino masses and the discrepancy of muon $g-2$

5 Jun 2024, 16:30
Science Building III/SC353 (NYCU)

Science Building III/SC353


300, Hsinchu City, East District, No. 26, Prosperity 1st Rd


Julio Julio (National Research and Innovation Agency)


Recent measurement of muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment (muon $g-2$), performed by the Muon $g-2$ Collaboration at Fermilab, differs from the Standard Model (SM) value calculated by the Muon $g-2$ Theory Initiative Group at the combined statistical significance of $5.1\sigma$. Taking at face value, such discrepancy could be an indication of some sort of new physics. In this paper, we explain the discrepancy in the context of a model with leptoquarks, usually denoted as $S(3,1,-1/3)$ and $R(3,2,1/6)$. In this model, the muon $g-2$ can receive a top-mass chiral enhancement. The neutrino masses are induced at both one- and two-loop levels. We found a texture, where the latter could be competitive to the former. Given that the model can simultaneously explain neutrino masses and muon $g-2$ anomaly, it leads to several interesting predictions for lepton-flavor-violating rates, which could be probed by future experiments. The effects on $h\to\gamma\gamma$ and $h\to Z\gamma$ decays will also be discussed.

Please choose your flavour Leptons

Primary author

Julio Julio (National Research and Innovation Agency)

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