Welcome to ASROC 2025 Annual Meeting
The 2025 Scientific Assembly of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China (ASROC2025) will be held at the National Formosa University on May 16 (Friday) – May 18 (Sunday), 2025.
A competition for the best oral and poster award for students will be held during the meeting. The best student oral presentation will be awarded with NTD 10,000 prize and three best student posters will be awarded with NTD 5,000 prize. The three best poster winners need to give a 3-minute oral presentation in the general assembly meeting.
The registration and abstract submission will begin soon. The deadline for abstract submission is April 6, and for online registration is April 27. Participants of the scientific assembly should submit their abstracts and register on-line. A registration fee of NTD 2,000 (NTD 1500 for students) should be paid on site.
2025年天文年會之網站已經啟動,有意參加年會者請至天文學會網站報名。摘要上傳截止日為 4月 6 日,線上註冊截止日為4月 27 日。一般會員註冊費為新台幣2000元,學生會員註冊費為新台幣1500元,請於會議現場繳交(會員得以該年度學會年費抵免註冊費,永久會員可免繳註冊費)。