13 March 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Entanglement renormalization of non-Hermitian critical systems and emergent dS space

13 Mar 2024, 14:00
Poster section Poster


鄺宏 周 (NTHU PHYS)


One of the most important development in AdS/CFT correspondence is the RT formula[1]. This formula states that entanglement entropy of boundary CFT will equal to bulk AdS minimum surface
S(V) = min[\frac{A(m)}{4G_N}]
Which gives a big convenience to calculate entanglement entropy in CFT.
Later research[2] shows that this conjecture becomes obvious in the AdS/MERA.
Since our universe is a dS space, so people have a big interest in dS/CFT. Research[3] shows that here the dual CFT will be a non-unitary one with negative/complex central charge. Recent research[4] shows that non-Hermitian system can have a negative central charge. Therefore, to push the understanding of RT formula in dS/CFT case and learn more about dS/CFT, we study the cMERA of non-Hermitian system.

Primary author

鄺宏 周 (NTHU PHYS)

Presentation materials