4–6 Jun 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Implications of X17 boson to \(D\) meson, Charmonium, and \(\phi\) meson decays

4 Jun 2024, 14:30
Science Building III/SC353 (NYCU)

Science Building III/SC353


300, Hsinchu City, East District, No. 26, Prosperity 1st Rd


LAM THI THUC UYEN (Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)


The recent ATOMKI experiments provided evidence pointing towards the existence of an X17 boson in the anomalous nuclear transitions of Beryllium-8, Helium-4, and Carbon-12. The favored ranges for the couplings between the X17 boson and the first-generation quarks, denoted as $\epsilon_u$ and $\epsilon_d$, are determined through fittings to the above nuclear transitions.
In this work, we consider X17 boson contributions to the previously measured D meson decays which include $D_s^{*+} \rightarrow D_s^+ e^+ e^-$, $D_s^{*+} \rightarrow D_s^+ \gamma$, $D^{*0} \rightarrow D^0 e^+ e^-$, and $D^{*0} \rightarrow D^0 \gamma$, as well as the measured decays of $\psi(2S) \rightarrow \eta_c e^+ e^-$, $\psi(2S) \rightarrow \eta_c \gamma$, $\phi \rightarrow \eta e^+ e^-$, and $\phi \rightarrow \eta \gamma$. In addition to the dependence on $\epsilon_u$, these decays also depend on X17 boson couplings to the second-generation quarks, denoted as $\epsilon_c$ and $\epsilon_s$. Using the data of the above meson decays, we perform an independent fitting to the coupling parameters $\epsilon_u$, $\epsilon_c$, and $\epsilon_s$ while keeping the X17 boson mass at the best-fit value obtained by ATOMKI experiments. In this fitting, we take the scenario that X17 is a vector boson and treat the couplings $\epsilon_u$ and $\epsilon_c$ as independent from each other rather than assuming the generation universality $\epsilon_u =\epsilon_c$. It is found that the above fitting renders a huge magnitude for $\epsilon_u$, which is in serious tension with $\epsilon_u$ determined from the ATOMKI measurements of Beryllium-8, Helium-4, and Carbon-12 nuclear transitions. Implications of our findings are discussed.

Please choose your flavour Exotic

Primary author

LAM THI THUC UYEN (Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)


Mr Guey-Lin Lin (Institute of Physics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan) Mr Fei-Fan Lee (Department of Physics, Jimei University, Fujian province, P.R. China)

Presentation materials